
The City of Laurel’s Municipal Budget details all of the expenses and revenues that the City of Laurel needs to provide quality services for its citizens on a full fiscal year basis.  The City of Laurel’s Municipal Budget is a legally adopted document, which means that it can only be changed through an act of the City Council.

The goal of the Municipal Budget is to ensure present operations and sustainable future growth for the City of Laurel. Sustainable growth starts with a focus upon essential City services, such as safety, roads, and infrastructure.  The property tax rate is the most important factor in evaluating budget decisions within the City, since property taxes are the single largest source of revenue that the City can use to pay for City expenses.  The City, through approval of its City Council, is focused upon creating a balanced budget, each fiscal year, to ensure not just continued operations within the City of Laurel, but also sustainable future growth.   

If you have any particular questions regarding the City of Laurel’s Municipal Budget, please reach out to the Clerk/Treasurer, within the City of Laurel’s Finance Department, at cityclerk@laurel.mt.gov.