
How much does a cremation internment cost?

See the current Schedule of Fees. 

How much does a full burial internment cost?

See current Schedule of Fees.

How much does it cost to purchase a lot?

See current Schedule of Fees.

How much notice does the City need for internment?

The City requires 48-hours notice. 

What are the Cemetery's hours?

The Laurel Cemetery is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to sunset. 

What is the floral policy?

If it's not a flower, don't leave it. Flowers are allowed at any time but must be in the grave site floral containers. 

Where is the Laurel Cemetery located?

The Laurel Cemetery is located at 1815 1st Avenue North. 

Dog Licensing

How much is a dog license?

Dog Licenses are $20.00 per dog if they are spayed or neutered when purchased January 1st  through March 31st. When purchased April 1st through December 25th the fee is $30.00 if spayed or neutered.

Dog Licenses are $30.00 per dog if they are intact (not spayed or neutered) when purchased January 1st though March 31st. When purchased April 1st through December 25th, the fee is $40.00 if intact (not spayed or neutered).

When there are three or more dogs, a kennel license is also required and the fee for the kennel license is $50.00.

All of the above are an annual renewal starting over on January 1st.

Where do I purchase my dog license?

You can purchase your dog licenses at City Hall, located at 115 W. 1st Street. 


Can I dispose of medications at the Police Department?

Yes, we have a medication dropbox in the lobby.

Can I get a fingerprint card done at the Police Department?

Yes, they are done as Officers are available. It is $35 for the first card with $5 for each additional card per person being fingerprinted. Payment may be made in exact cash, credit/debit card, or check.

Driver's License Renewal/Vehicle Registration

Driver's Licenses can be renewed at either:

  • Driver Services
    • 615 S. 27th Street Billings, MT
    • Driver's License renewal, replacement, lost or expired license. 
  • MVD Express
    • 900 S. 24th Street Suite #4
    • M-F 9-6 and Sat 9-3
    • Vehicle registration or renewal, Driver's License renewal, replacement, lost or expired license. 
  • DMV
    • 115 W. 1st Street Laurel, MT
    • Vehicle registration or renewal

Search Tips and Tricks

Do the search results include the contents of PDFs and other documents?

Yes.  The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.

If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

No.  By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase.  In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.

In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations.  The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.

Can I exclude a word from a search (e.g. all pages that have the word "alarm" but not the word "permit"?

Yes.   You can exclude words by using the minus sign (-).   In order to find the results of all pages that have alarm in the result but not permit, you would search for alarm -permit.

Utility Billing

Can I pay my bill online?

Yes, you may pay your bill by clicking here. 

Can my water be shut-off for non-payment?

Yes. Residents who have been shut-off for delinquency will be charged a $75 reconnect fee. 

How do I set up a new account?

New accounts need to be set up as soon as possible when you move into a new residence. You need to complete the Application for Water and Sewer Service form. The form can be printed from the website (click here) or pick up from the Water Office at City Hall. Please be sure this form is filled out in its entirety. 

You will also need to provide a valid form of ID, such as Driver's License, State ID Card or Passport. 

Is there a deposit to start a new account?

A $170 deposit is required for all new accounts.

What are the City of Laurel's utility fees?

Residential homes with a 3/4 inch meter are charges a base rate for water/sewer. 

Minimum bills are:

  • $24.61 for water - which includes the first 1,000 gallons
  • $19.24 for sewer
  • $17.00 for garbage 
What forms of payment do you accept?

The City of Laurel accepts cash, checks, credit and debit cards, and money orders. 

When are the water meters read?

Meters are read monthly on the 10th of each month. 

When will I receive my new bill.

New bills are sent out on approximately the 26th of each month. 

When will my bill be due?

Bills are due by the 10th of each month. 

Why is my water bill so high?

If your bills seems outrageously high it would be a good idea to check for water leaks or contact the City of Laurel Utility Billing Department immediately. 

A high water bill may indicate you have a leak. Even a small leak can waste enough water for you to notice an increase on your bill. If there is a leak anywhere within your plumbing system, the person named on the utility bill must pay for the water used. Fix your leaks promptly to avoid paying for them each month. 

For ideas to help you find water leaks click here

Will I get my deposit back? If so when.

The $170 deposit will be refunded after one year for those who remain in good standing, which means no delinquencies. If you move out before one year your deposit will be applied to your final bill.