
laurel growth management plan map

The Planning Department is responsible for guiding and directing the future growth of the City. Department Staff strive to plan for growth and development while maintaining the hometown atmosphere that citizens enjoy.

The City Planner is responsible for current short, medium and long term planning, zoning compliance, subdivision review, and economic development activities. The Planning Department seeks to both build on current assets within the city through development and to grow the city through thoughtful  planning projects and expansions. 

The main goals of the City Planner are to:

  • Provide consistent direction for projects within the city,
  • Manage major planning activities and codes,
  • Guide subdivision developments through the public process, 
  • Ensure growth activities maintain a high quality of life for residents, and
  • Create an attractive community for prospective residents, businesses, and institutions

Individuals or developers seeking to initiate any type of building or development project should contact the Planning Department at 406-628-4796. The Laurel Municipal Code can be found HERE. The Planning Department generally deals with Chapter 16: Subdivisions and Chapter 17 - Zoning but is also actively involved across the whole array of city activities. 

For information about the Laurel Transit System contact City Hall at 406-628-4796.