Public Hearing Notice - Vacate Alley


The Laurel City Council will conduct a public hearing on an application to vacate the alley located between lots 14-18 of Block 4 of Hageman Subdivision and lots 1-5 of block 5 of Hageman Subdivision 1st Filing within the city of Laurel. The hearing is scheduled for 6:30PM, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 115 West 1st Street, Laurel Montana, on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020.

Public comment is encouraged and the city requests at this time that any public comments be sent via letter to Nicholas Altonaga, the Planning Director, at 115 West 1st Street, Laurel, MT. A copy of the alley vacation application and supporting documentation is available for view upon request. Questions regarding this public hearing may be directed to the Planning Director at 628.4796 ext. 5, or via email at