2020-2021 Pavement Maintenance

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Streets and Roadways
Project Status: 
Approved and Under Construction
Date Received: 
Monday, April 27, 2020
2020 Pavement Maintenance Laurel, MT 59044


Pavement preservation consisting of crack seal, chip seal, asphalt patching, and other miscellaneous items on the following streets: West 14th Street, West 12th Circle, West 12th Street from Cherry Hills Drive to 8th Avenue, 12th Avenue, West Maryland Lane from 8th Avenue to the west, West 11th Street from 5th Avenue to 2nd Avenue, West 9th Street from 1st Avenue to the west, 5th Avenue from West 3rd Street to West 11th Street, Roundhouse Drive, Santa Fe Circle, Washington Avenue from West 4th St. to West 6th Street, West 5th Street between Cottonwood Avenue and Date Avenue, 3rd Avenue from Main Street to 1st  Street, West 1st Street from Montana Avenue to Wyoming Avenue, Fir Avenue from Sunhaven Drive to the north, Atchison Drive, Lackawanna Lane, Cedar Avenue from South 4th St. North, and South 4th Street from West Avenue to South 8th Avenue. As an alternate the street of Roundhouse Drive may be milled and overlaid with 1-1/2” of Type B asphalt.


2020 Pavement Maintenance will begin on April 27, 2020 and should be completed by mid-July. 


Project was awarded for $495,000.00





Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Pavement Maintenance 2020
Status Updates

Resolution No. R20-27 – Change Order #1

Change Order approved to City’s contract with Hardrives Construction, Inc. authorizing additional work for City of Laurel’s 2020 Pavement Maintenance Project.

Passed/Approved            05-12-2020

Project Type:                                                                Project Status:                                       Location:

Laurel 2020 Pavement Maintenance        Approved/Current                         various streets/locations within City of Laurel 

                                                                             Date Received:                                 Laurel, MT  59044

                                                                             Tuesday, May 12, 2020                   See Map: Revised Sheet ST1


Change Order #1 for consideration and approval which details additional work to be performed at an additional cost.  Crack Sealing and Chip Sealing of Streets.

Contractor is to perform additional work utilizing existing bid item costs for improvements of the following streets;

Bernard Street, Milwaukee Road, SE 4th Street, 9th Ave, S. 8th Ave, 10th Ave, Foundation Ave, 13th Ave

Payne S. Drive, Ann’s Place, Duval Drive, Betty Ave, Els Drive, Cherry Hills Drive, Davis Circle, Topeka Drive


For reference:  R19-88     Pavement Maintenance derived from 2020 Pavement Management Plan and PASER study. Focus for 2020 will be on crack and chip sealing, revised map attached.

Areas shown on the revised map indicate streets Projected has been extended to streets rated level six (6) or seven (7), on the PASER study, throughout all areas of town.  All street maintenance funds will not be utilized. Any remaining funds will be held for next year.


Completion date anticipated September, 2020.


Change order approved increase of additional $248,569.57, adjusting the Task Order amount to $743,569.57.


Attached revised map (2020-Exhibit ST 1)


Resolution No. R20-29 - Amendment #1 

Amendment #1 for additional services and compensation for KLJ.

Passed/Approved 06-09-2020


Resolution No. R20-45 - Change Order #2

Change Order #2 for additional services and compensation for Hardrives Construction Inc. to adjust quantities and budget to complete chip seal and fog seal of streets identified in the project.  Streets listed on resolution R20-27.

Passed/Approved 08-11-2020


Resolution No. R21-11

Task Order between City of Laurel and Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson Inc (“KLJ”).

Passed/Approved 02-23-2021

Project Type:                                                     Project Status:                                           Location:

Laurel 2021 Pavement Maintenance          Approved/Current                            various streets/locations within City of Laurel

                                                                              Date Received:                                   Laurel, MT  59044

                                                                              Tuesday, February 23, 2021            See Map: (12-17-19 council workshop minutes)


Pavement Maintenance derived from 2020 Pavement Management Plan and PASER study. Focus for 2021 will be on crack and chip sealing, map attached. Miscellaneous annual pavement maintenance in locations throughout City of Laurel.

Pennsylvania, Colorado Ave, 10th Ave, Casa Linda Circle, 6th Ave (W. 11th St to W. 12th St), 6th Ave (W. 4th St to W. 5th St), 5th Ave (W. 13th St to W. 14th St), 2nd Ave (Mtn View to Laurmac), W. 6th St (2nd Ave to 1st Ave), W. 7th St (8th Ave to 7th Ave), E. 8th St (Alder Ave to Juniper Ave), W. 8th St (8th Ave to 7th Ave), E. 11th St (1st Ave to East End), W. 11th St (8th Ave to 6th Ave), Laurmac Lane, Beartooth Circle, Nez Pierce, Briar Circle, Penn Circle, Reading Circle, Montana Ave, Lackawanna, Eleanor Roosevelt Dr

*MDT Urban Routes are not included


Focus this year will be streets with PASER rating of seven (7). 

Engineer will begin immediately, with objective to advertise for bids January 2021.

Goal is to have bids back towards the end of March or beginning of April.

Construction anticipated during the April-August 2021 timeframe.


Task Order for services rendered awarded $80,000.00.


Attached Preliminary map (2020)


Resolution No. R21-29

Resolution Awarding Hardrives Construction Contract.

Passed/Approved           05-11-2021

Project Type:                                                     Project Status:                                                  Location:

Laurel 2021 Pavement Maintenance          Approved/Current                                          various streets/locations within City of Laurel

                                                                              Date Received:                                                 Laurel, MT  59044

                                                                              Tuesday, May 11, 2021                                     See Map: (12-17-19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        council workshop minutes)


Pavement Maintenance 2021 will be on crack and chip sealing, map attached. Miscellaneous annual pavement maintenance in locations throughout City of Laurel.


Focus this year will be streets with PASER rating of seven (7) to eight (8);

Colorado Ave, Pennsylvania Ave, 6th Ave, W. 6th St, W. 7th St, W. 8th St, 10th Ave, Casa Linda Circle, W. 11th St, Laurmac Lane, 2nd Ave, Fairview Lane, E. 11th St, North Montana Ave, E. 8th St, Topeka Drive, Reading Circle, Penn Circle, 


Crack sealing will be done around the end of May and be given 30-days to let it cure. Chip and fog sealing will be done by September 1st, unless more streets are added.


Hardrives awarded contract for $329,329.50.


Attached Preliminary map (2020)


Resolution No. R21-42 (MOU)

Resolution to the City Council Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Yellowstone County to share project costs for City/County streets and roads.

Passed/Approved       05-25-2021


Project Type:                                                                       Project Status:                                                   Location:

Laurel 2021 Pavement Maintenance               Approved/Current                                   City of Laurel/Including 5th Ave Waterline Reroute                                                                                                   

                                                                                    Date Received:                                          Laurel, MT  59044

                                                                                    Tuesday, May 25, 2021                            Map: none


The 2021 Pavement Maintenance program identified some streets with portions in County and portions in City that need chip and crack sealing.  Also, the County portion of the 5th Ave Reroute project.

The County Commissioners signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) May 18, 2021.

Agreement entered May 25, 2021 between Yellowstone County and the City of Laurel to make road and other improvements in and near the City which includes a portion of certain property which are County roads but are included in the City’s 2021 Pavement Maintenance Project and 5th Avenue Water line Re-Route Project.


Reference R21-29: Crack sealing will be done around the end of May and be given 30-days to let it cure. Chip and fog sealing will be done by September 1st, unless more streets are added. Hardrives was awarded contract of $329,329.50 for 2021 Pavement Maintenance project.


County and City (each entity) shall pay their respective portions for the Projects.  The estimated total cost for the County portions of both Projects is $57,972.25.


Note: Preliminary map (2020)


Status Update: September 9, 2021

This project is ongoing; pending overlay on W. 14th Street