Yellowstone River Water Crossing Project
Resolution No. R20-84
Resolution approving a task order between City of Laurel and KLJ Engineering for engineering to replace the insulated water main that crosses Highway 212 over the Yellowstone River (Yellowstone River Water Crossing Project)
Passed/Approved 12-22-2020
Project Type: Project Status: Location:
Replacement of waterline at Approved/Current Yellowstone River Bridge
Yellowstone River Bridge Date Received: Laurel, MT 59044
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 See Map: none
Task Order is for the removal and replacement of the insulated 4-inch HDPE waterline that crosses the Yellowstone River on Highway 212 (Riverside Park).The waterline will be replaced from the underground point on the north side of the river to the underground point on the south side of the river.
The waterline froze in 2008 or 2009, and that Spring, it ruptured.At that time, it was costly to replace.An inexpensive fix was to place a pipe and pull through on the inside of ruptured pipe.This is not a stable way to get water through.
This Task Order has been budgeted and is the match for the Riverside Campground, per the Park Master Plan.This has been in the works for a few years to get water to Riverside Park.
Contract will commence to begin 2021.
The final schedule is dependent on funding availability and results of Preliminary Design Phase findings.
Task Order for services rendered is $33,000.00.
Status Updates
Resolution No. R21-43
Resolution awarding COP Construction the contract for City of Laurel’s Yellowstone River Water Crossing Project
Passed/Approved 05-25-2021
Project Type: Project Status: Location:
Replacement of waterline at Approved/Current Yellowstone River Bridge
Yellowstone River Bridge Date Received: Laurel, MT 59044
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 See Map: none
Task Order is for the removal and replacement of the insulated 4-inch HDPE waterline that crosses the Yellowstone River on Highway 212.The waterline will be replaced from the underground point on the north side of the river to the underground point on the south side of the river.
Approximately ten years ago, the electric line that keeps the line from freezing, froze and broke.At that time, no funds were available to fix the line.COP Construction put the bridge in for the State; at that time, the City paid for the waterline to be installed.When water line froze, 3-inch pipe was pulled through 4-inch pipe. As a result, there was not much water pressure in Riverside Park. It is essential to have water in the campground for fire protection.
The current line has a lot of expansion and contraction.The replacement line will be 4-inch insulated line but will look like 8-inches in diameter due to insulation. There will be a heating tracer wire to keep the temperatures from freezing as well.
Delay in the project will be due to pipe needs to be insulated after it is ordered.
There are two vendors: one vendor makes the pipe and the second insulates the pipe.
Contract will commence to begin on June 28, 2021
Anticipated completion is 30-days.
Task Order award to COP Construction for contract is $281,740.00.
Status Update:
This project is ongoing; out for bid and pending supplies/pipe.