Cemetery Fees
City Residents | |
Full Grave | $450.00 |
Baby Grave | $300.00 |
Non-Resident | |
Full Grave | $600.00 |
Baby Grave | $350.00 |
Opening and Closing | |
Full Grave | $380.00 |
Full Grave on Saturday mornings | $480.00 |
Baby Grave | $300.00 |
Baby Grave on Saturday mornings | $350.00 |
Cremation | $250.00 |
Cremation on Saturday mornings | $300.00 |
Two Cremations on a single plot | $325.00 |
Two Cremations on a single plot on Saturday | $400.00 |
(Please Note: Cemetery caretaker must be present at all internments.)
(Please Note: Burials are not permitted on Sundays, holidays or Saturday afternoons.)