
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Summary Adopted Date Attachments View Details
R14-24 Resolution No. R14-24

A resolution of the City Council authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with Sanderson Stewart for the Tax Increment Financing District Development Strategy Plan.

Tue 5/6/14 Link View Details
R14-23 Resolution No. R14-23

A resolution of the City Council adopting the Long Range Transportation Plan developed by Robert Peccia & Associates.

Tue 5/6/14 Link View Details
R14-22 Resolution No. R14-22

A resolution of intent to adopt an official Scheduel of Fees and Charges for he City of Laurel, repealin all previous resolutions that set fees or charges that conflict with the schedule attached hereto upon its effective date.

Tue 5/6/14 Link View Details
R14-21 Resolution No. R14-21

Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Beartooth RC&D Economic Development District.

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-20 Resolution No. R14-20

Resolution to authorize submission of DNRC-RRGL grant application

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-19 Resolution No. R14-19

Resolution to authorize submission of TSEP Grant application.

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-18 Resolution No. R14-18

Resolution to adopt the funding strategy for Water System Improvements for the City of Laurel, Montana, as presented by Great West Engineering, Inc.

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-17 Resolution No. R14-17

A resolution accepting the findings of the Environmental Assessment and determining that an Environmental Impact Statement is not necessary for the Phase 3 Water System Improvements Project.

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-16 Resolution No. R14-16

Resolution to adopt the Water System Preliminary Engineering Report for the City of Laurel, Montana, as prepared and presented by Great West Engineering, Inc.

Tue 4/15/14 Link View Details
R14-15 Resolution No. R14-15

A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign Change Order No. 1 with Williams Brothers Construction for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in the amount of ($$,528.85).

Tue 4/1/14 Link View Details
R14-14 Resolution No. R14-14

A resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the previously adopted Task Order No. 29, authorizing Great West Engineering to prepare Public Facility Grant Applications to the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) and the Montana Department of Natural Resources Renewable Resources Grant and Loan Program (DNRC RRGL) for improvements recommended in the Water System Preliminary Engineering Report.

Tue 4/1/14 Link View Details
R14-13 Resolution No. R14-13

A resolution of the City Council authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract with the Billings Family YMCA for the operation and management of the City of Laurel Municipal Pool

Tue 3/18/14 Link View Details
R14-12 Resolution No. R14-12

Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement to provide health services with St. Vincent Healthcare of Billings, Montana.

Tue 3/18/14 Link View Details
R14-11 Resolution No. R14-11

Resolution of the Laurel City Council to order the placement of a proposal to create a Park Maintenance District on the June 2014 Primary Election Ballot for referendum vote.

Tue 3/4/14 Link View Details
R14-10 Resolution No. R14-10

A resolution to annex a portion of East Main Street located between Alder Avenue and Locust Avenue, adjacent and contiguous to the City of Laurel, and currently owned by the State of Montana.

Tue 3/4/14 Link View Details
R14-09 Resolution No. R14-09

A resolution of the City Council authorizing the disposal of City Court records.

Tue 2/18/14 Link View Details
R14-08 Resolution No. R14-08

Resolution approving and adopting the Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority Revised and Restated Workers’ Compensation Program Agreement dated July 1, 2014.

Tue 2/18/14 Link View Details
R14-07 Resolution No. R14-07

A resolution of intent by the City Council to annex a portion of East Main Street located between Alder Avenue and Locust Avenue, adjacent and contiguous to the City of Laurel, and currently owned by the State of Montana.

Tue 2/4/14 Link View Details
R14-06 Resolution No. R14-06

A resolution of the City Council approving the new City of Laurel logo.

Tue 2/4/14 Link View Details
R14-05 Resolution No. R14-05

A resolution awarding a three-year contract with Olness & Associates for auditing services through fiscal year ending 2016 and authorizing the Mayor to sign said contract for the City of Laurel.

Tue 2/4/14 Link View Details
R14-04 Resolution No. R14-04

Resolution amending Resolution No. R04-106 increasing the credit card limit and revising the Credit Card Use Policy of the City of Laurel.

Tue 2/4/14 Link View Details
R14-03 Resolution No. R14-03

A resolution of the City Council of the City of Laurel, Montana, calling for an election on the question of conducting a Local Government Review and establishing a Study Commission to do so.

Tue 2/4/14 Link View Details
R14-02 Resolution No. R14-02

A resolution of the City Council creating a position called the Planning Director and adopting a job description for such position.

Tue 1/7/14 Link View Details
R14-01 Resolution No. R14-01

A resolution of the City Council approving a change order to the City’s contract with Wilson Brothers Construction Inc. for additional work and compensation required for the Laurel Riverside Bank Stabilization Project.

Tue 1/7/14 Link View Details
